Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Ready To Go!

The Ladies Who Dine met last night at the house of our Dutch friend. They have recently bought a new house and I am officially 'jealous'!
We had made it simple by splitting the different dishes between us - somebody brought the dauphinoise potatoes, somebody brought a yummy salad, another brought cheese and crackers, I brought a dessert and the hostess provided the main and a starter. There was wine and water and delicious coffee!
The combination of it all was excellent - it was so scrumptious!
No need for breakfast this morning...

And per usual - at some point in the evening we started reminding each other of favourite songs and singing 70s and 80s classics...
So typical us and always a lot of fun!
Hope we didn't scare the kids (or the neighbours!)!

The group has grown and shrunk over the years. This friendship group began when some of the mothers of boys in the same class started going out for dinner together almost 12-13 years ago. And it became a friendship group which started seeing each other regularly, particularly when a few of us started doing yoga on Tuesdays and we now meet at the pub afterwards.  At the moment we are 7 ladies meeting up (if we can make it) more or less every week after yoga and in addition we occassionally explore various restaurants in the area, each others houses, go to London, the movies or exhibitions.

To me they are a safe place to share happiness, sorrows, concerns, hopes, ideas and dreams. Some have left us and moved to other countries, but at least one of the original Ladies Who Dine is still in the current group. And we have just been told one of our 'old' members is coming over from Canada later this summer!
Thanks, girls - so grateful for your friendship and company!
It was a blast last night!


  1. Det er viktig med gode venner!! Høres ut som en hyggelig gjeng!! Håper du har en bra sommer!! Annek:-)

  2. Høres ut som en flott og trivelig gjeng unge og friske damer.....

  3. Så herlig Mette! ♥
    Smart å dele på alle rettene =]
    Slike venner er gull verdt!

    Blir dere boende i England, eller kommer dere
    hjem til Norge anytime soon?

    1. Nja, det ser ikke slik ut, nei. England (OG Skottland) er nok blitt 'hjemme', men man skal aldri si aldri!:-)

  4. Gode venner er gull verdt. Høres ut som en veldig koselig gjeng. Det er så deilig med folk du kan være helt avslappa sammen med.

  5. Så herlig med en sånn vennegjeng! Fine sko!

  6. Sounds like a lovely evening, Mette! :) And I love your shoes ... très chic!
    Have a great weekend!

  7. Slike venninne-gjenger med tilhørende treff - er så viktige "input" å med seg i livet :)
    Smart løsning ang maten, så ikke vertinnen må gjøre hele jobben, samt blir en fin blanding av mat.

    Kule sko ser jeg også her....:)

    Gled deg til Venezia, vært der før?
    Fordi jeg kan bare si: You will love it !!!!!

