Thursday, 4 December 2014

One Year on...

First Sunday in Advent - with PURPLE candles!
Ok, I am back on the blog!
More than a year has passed since my last blogpost...
A lot has happened, but at the same time it is hard to accept that a year could pass by so quickly...!

It has actually been a very good year, when I think about it. Some of the big headlines from this past year have been:
My health has gone from strength to strength and I am doing fine after a very scary 2013. I have made several changes in my life and the most "dramatic" is that I now go to the gym at least 3-4 days a week. Before work. And I LOVE it! Ok, I am a morning bird, so no surprise that this works for me. I truly recommend it (if you are a morning bird, that is). In addition, there is such a lovely group of people coming in most days and they are all so very friendly and supportive. I didn't expect the bonus of finding so many lovely, jolly people gathered at 7 am in the morning! I am not used to meeting other 'morning birds', so it is nice to meet 'fellow birds' with the same disposition of getting up at the crack of dawn!
Of other very good things that happened this past year, is that Our Young Man finished his A-levels  and is now at University studying in London. He is loving his new life. I am not hiding that it feels strange - (almost) empty nest - but I am so happy for him. He is really embracing life in London. He has been home once this fall, but we have seen him several times as we have popped in to London to meet up with other friends passing by this big city. Having him there means that I am getting to know London better as well! About time after living over 15 years in the UK!
This year we also bought a second home - a house in Durham for The Professor and we both spend a lot of time commuting between our two homes. Project managing and redecorating from afar is no mean task, but it is coming together nicely. In some ways it is nice to have two homes - we don't have a holiday home anywhere, instead we have two homes. It just worked out this way for now, but time will tell what will happen in this respect. It was great this summer when we drove over to the Lake District for the first time. It won't be the last time we go to the Lakes. It was simply stunning!

So, I plan to be a bit more active on the blog as I actually miss it. Looking through other years' printouts confirms my intention - it is a fun way of keeping a 'diary' of events in our lives!


  1. Så utrolig hyggelig å høre fra deg på bloggen igjen...jeg følger jo med deg på Instagram, men blogg er ofte litt mer utfyllende. Så fint å høre at 2014 har vært et godt år for dere, det har vært tidenes år her i huset også og det skal ikke glemmes.

    Når barna trives med det de gjør så gleder det foreldrenes hjerte også. Min Student har fått et engasjement på 7 måneder som forskningsassistent i NUPI og er så fornøyd. Skal jobbe med masteroppgaven mens hun er der.
    Ha en fin kveld og gleder meg til å høre mer fra livet i England fremover.

  2. Så koseleg å høyre frå deg igjen!! :)
    Kjekt med eit lite innblikk frå kvardagen i England
    Mvh. V.

  3. Hei! Hyggelig innlegg!! Godt å høre at livet er bra. Det er flere av de bloggene jeg har fulgt som har blitt stille! Min egen inkludert. Føler meg ferdig blogga. Men jeg hadde stor glede av det så lenge det varte. Jeg leser fortsatt blogger, det er fortsatt mye fint der ute!! Ha en fin førjulstid!! Hilsen Anne Kari :-)

    1. Skjonner godt man kan bli litt "ferdigblogget". Det var jeg ogsa, trodde jeg, men sa var det litt hyggelig a starte igjen. Det er jo det som er det kjekke med blogging - det er helt frivillig :-) Har sett at det er en stund siden du blogget - savner din blog for du er en utrolig kreativ dame! Men det ma jo kjennes 'rett'! Ha en fin forjulstid, du ogsa!

  4. Glad to have you back Mette! I can see that winter is most definitely making itself felt today ... already 15 cm to shovel through!!

  5. Ble så glad når jeg så at du var tilbake!
    Hurra! =) Godt å høre at livet smiler til deg ♥

    God Jul!

