Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Tried and Tested: Russian Danishes

Ok, so the name comes out a bit funny in English.
Here is the background for my translation:
A 'Danish' in Norwegian is called a "wienerbrød" or directly translated "Viennese Bread", so when Tulip put the recipe for "Russiske Wienerbrød " (Russian Viennese Bread) the English translation naturally should be

Russian Danishes
Are you still with me?
Obvious, isn't it...
Oh, languages can be such fun...
However, I should check with my Russian friend if this is anything she recognises...?

Anyway, here is the recipe that we tried in our house yesterday.
The Russian Danishes did not last long in our house with hungry bikers around!

This is the full recipe that Tulip (click on the link for the recipe in Norwegian) provided, but I halved it. I still got 24 Russian Danishes...

Melt 300 grams of butter and
add 9 dl of milk and bring to the boil

Add 375 gram of flour and mix it in with a mixer.
Leave the batter in the fridge to cool down completely.

Whisk 6 egg together and blend in well

Use two table spoons and drop generous dollops on a baking sheet

Bake in the oven on 180 degrees for 25-30 mins (Tulip said 30-40 mins, but mine were done after 25 mins)

Cool and drizzle over powder sugar mixed with water/lemon juice.

Very moooooreeeeish!


  1. My Mum used to make something similar, except that she would always add something like cinnamon or vanilla, and serve with fresh berries in summer. They are so eternally edible and light that we would munch on them forever, until they are all gone! Yours look so yummy - I am flying back!
    Your Russian friend in a foreign land

  2. Å, det så godt ut!!
    Nå ble jeg skikkelig godtesyk!
    Lurer på om det ikke ligger litt melkesjokolade i kjøleskapet...

  3. Ser deilig ut! Borringen av hull til etasjefatene gikk helt fint. det er sånn man outsourcer til samboeren :) Han kjøpte egnet bor til glass/fliser og det gikk helt fint. Tapet en maskeringstape-bit på midten for at borret ikke skulle gli og det skal også hindre sprekking. bruker man skjøre, gamle tallerkner må man jo være forberedt på sprekk, men hos oss gikk det i alle fall veldig bra denne gangen :)

