Friday, 30 April 2010

Bank Holiday Weekend Happyness!

This weekend is Bank Holiday weekend here in England - meaning Monday is a public holiday. It is traditionally a BBQ weekend for many...
The weather has been amazing this week with temperatures over 20 degrees, but that is all about to change and drop down to 12 degrees apparently... That is so typical of the climate here - we will normally have "everthing" during one day. The saying is that "if you don't like the weather, just wait 10 minutes and it will change"...!

Never mind, Our Boy and I are so looking forward to the visitors coming from Norway tomorrow evening it doesn't matter what the weather is like. The garden is blooming - the lilac has just sprung! - and we get to spend some days with some of our favourite people in the world!

But before then I need to "liaise" with the vaccuum cleaner and some water to make the house presentable...


  1. Høres ut som dere får en super helg! Så koselig å få besøk hjemmefra:-)

    Ha en kjempefin helg i godt selskap!


  2. hehe.. ja litt husvask må til i blant;)

    Håper dere får en strålende helg, her ser det ut som solen skal være med oss! LIKER DET!

    klemmer fra meg

  3. Flotte bilder:)
    Så deilig og varmt dere har det da! Skulle ønske jeg var der!


