Saturday, 24 April 2010

Recommended reading: The Island

I just completed "The Island" by Victoria Hislop recommended by one of my blogger friends Arya. A couple of days later I was delighted to see it in a charity shop in Edinburgh.

It is an easy read and an interesting story about family, family secrets, love, loyalty, illness, war, all set in lovely Crete!

I found the language very simple and after a while it was slightly annoying the constant repetition of the same adjectives and a what was a very descriptive story. However, the story is still very captivating and I had a hard time putting the book down - always a good sign.
I would recommend it as a very good holiday read. 


  1. Takk for tipset! Alltid deilig å slappe av med en god bok:-)

    Ha en fortsatt god helg!


  2. Ja dette var en herlig bok. Les den neste også-

