Saturday, 4 December 2010

Inspiration in the Air

picture borrowed from

For those of you in the UK with an interest in anything handmade, crafty and arty, I am sure you are familiar with Kirsty Allsopp's series 'Kirstie's Homemade Home' on Channel 4.
You can pick up lots of inspiring ideas about how to redecorate your home in a creative, budget-friendly and eco-friendly way.
 She shows how to make anything from stained glass windows to crocheting and stitching curtains.

I don't think you can watch the programs on the Internet, but the series has a website with all sorts of short explanatory films with lots of "how-to" instructions like how to make candles/soap/decoupage/crochet/patchwork/print blocks/fit roller blinds or even more seasonal crafts on how to make a Christmas stocking/wreath/Christmas cake/Christmas garlands/Christmas cards etc. etc.

Yep, home making and crafts are definetely 'in the air'!

1 comment:

  1. Det er ofte mye omtanke og kreativitet bak det som er "homemade" og er det eco-vennlig i tillegg er det jo også bra.

