Saturday, 11 August 2012

Colourful Burano and Wishful Thinking

We made good use of the water buses (vaparetto) while we were in Venice this summer. I get restless in these lovely sunny and hot places as with my freckly and fair Scandinavian skin there is a limit to how much time I can spend on a beach so we try to go to places where there is lots to see and do.

Venice was a perfect combination of city/culture/history/beach. One day we took the vaparetto to the island of Burano. Most people have heard of Murano where they make glass (yes, we went there too), but a little further on you come to the island of Burano where they make beautiful lace. Little old ladies were sitting in the numerours lace shops making lace. So intricate and amazing they see these small stiches and thread... Each lady specialises in one particular knot so each piece of lace is made by many hands and takes MONTHS to complete!

But the quiet car free island of Burano which is also criss crossed with canals like Venice was also a sight to see and we wandered all over (it is very small) looking at the amazingly colourful buildings.

There doesn't seem to be any rules as to which colour you can choose...
these buildings are not sinking (I think)... we can only blame the photographer :-)
The place was so peaceful and obviously with a lot less tourists than Venice.

I started thinking perhaps I wouldn't mind spending a year there, perhaps writing a book of sorts and spending the days just 'thinking'... It was that kind of place.
a tile on one of the colourful walls of Burano...
Ah, well, just as well this is mere wishful thinking.
It isn't only Pisa that has a leaning tower... Not sure I would dare to live too close to this church tower...
Knowing me, I would probably get bored...

Could you spend a year in a quiet, secluded place away from your normal life?


  1. Ja, helt klart hvis en del ting lå til rette!! Fine bilder, med fantastiske farger!! AnneK:-)

  2. Så fine bilder! Men jeg stakk egentlig innom for å gratulere DEG og MEG og alle andre med OL-gullet til håndballjentene i kveld!! We are the champions.....

  3. Åh - me var også i Venezia i sommar - og på Murano - men Burano får bli neste gong, ser eg. Ja - for tilbake til Italia og dette området, det vil eg. "Syden minus harryfaktor" fann eg ut.
    Veit eg har vore innom bloggen din før - og likt den. No fann eg den igjen, og var så smart at eg la meg til som følgjar denne gongen.
    Er litt anglofil etter fire år der på slutten av åttitalet, Leeds Uni.

    For å svare på spørsmålet her, også: familien vurderte alvorleg eit Qatar-opphald på 1-3 år.
    I den grad Qatar er quiet, secluded, så ja. I allefall er det veldig annleis enn Sogn :o)

    Ja - kjekt å finne nye bloggar å følgje :o)

