Thursday, 15 November 2012

Tried and Tested: Chocolate Fondant

Talk about mid week temptation!
On an ordinary Wednesday I surprised Our Boy with Fru Tunheim's recipe for chocolate fondant.
It won't be the last time...
All in all it took less than 25 mins from start to finish! 
You can either make them the traditional way with flour and sugar or there is the alternative to make them low carb. I did kind of a mixed version using ground almonds and sugar. I also want to mention that I got 5 fondants out of 3/4 of the recipe below so the recipe is generous.
To make 6 generous fondants

125 gram butter
150 gram dark chocolate
125 gram sugar OR 75-100 gram Sukrin/Splenda
85 g flour OR ground almonds
4 eggs
Melt the butter and chocolate and add the sugar/sweetener.
Mix well.
Add the flour or ground almonds and whisk with a hand held mixer.
Add one egg at the time.
Pour in to well greased ramekins.
Bake in the middle of the oven for 11 mins at 200 degrees.
They were lovely and had exactly the right consistency of lovely gooeyness when we cut into them


  1. Så kjekt at du likte dem....og helt sant, det er fort gjordt....

  2. Yummi - det der såååå godt !!

    Var det virkelig lett å lage?
    Eneste desserten jeg lager er panncotta.....

    1. Virkelig superenkle. Prov!
      Deler du kanskje pannecotta oppskriften en gang :-)

  3. Herlig. Jeg kommer til kaffe.
    Klem og god helg

