Friday, 22 March 2013

Partial Truths and Confessions

I heard on the radio today that Barbra Streisand will be giving one of her rare concerts (apparently, she suffers from terrible stage fright so she doesn't give many concerts) in London this summer (1 June, if I am not wrong). The DJ on the radio said tickets cost £475(!) a piece, which is partially true, as they actually start from about £150.

Still a lot of money, I think and I don't think we will be going (actually I already know I am busy that day!). I am not a huge fan of Barbra, but I must say she sure can belt out a tune and this link above is to one of her more lovely songs: "The way we were..." And while we are on the topic of confessions, yes, I did once 'in my youth' own her album with Barry Gibbs from the BeeGees...

Still, you can buy an awful lot of CDs (or downloads) for the same amount of money as the cost of a concert ticket. Or have I become too sensible and grown up?

Would you have paid £150 for a concert ticket?

Have a great weekend!


  1. Da måtte det være noe helt spesielt i så fall. Jeg syntes det er ganske så dyrt!

    1. Det er jo litt spesielt siden det er så sjelden, men forundres stadig over hvor dyrt 'ting' kan være...

  2. Kunne nok betalt 150 pund, hvis det var en sanger/gruppe jeg digget, men aldri,
    450 !!!!!!!! Det er rett og slett for mye penger, da begynner jeg å tenke ferie/flybilletter/hotell opphold istedefor...hehe

    1. Der er jeg også - mye annet spennende å bruke penger på... :-)

  3. Jeg kunne godt brukt 150 på en konsert opplevelse...
    Men aldri 475!! Hvis det da ikke inkl middag
    med artisten.. haha...

    Jeg er nok mer glad i Barbara som skuespiller
    enn som sanger...
    Spes som i rollen som Rozalin Focker i Meet the Fockers.. Helt herlig =)

