Friday, 16 July 2010

Scottish Projects

Here are finally some proof of our projects in the flat in Edinburgh! We had bought a cheap (and cheerful) table and 4 chairs from Ikea (before we fell out with them) with the intention of doing something more creative with them. I only had time to do two of the chairs, but perhaps The Professor will surprise me and do the next two on his own...? For those who are interested - I used Farrow and Ball's interior paint, color called "Pointing no 2003" which is fairly white, but not completely - a bit creamish I will also paint the legs of the dining table. I like this combination of colors and think it spruced up the plain looking chair.

This is the burau we found in Bobby Clyde's antique shop as well as the Tiffany lamp we got from Jenners. I would have liked to paint the burau, but I don't think The Professor will let me. The burau is in perfect condition, even the leather is undamaged.

We then got two old fashioned-looking suitcases (they are not old) which we put on top of eachother to use as the nightstand.
I think it works well and is a bit different.
They also give a little bit of storage - which is never a bad thing.
By the way - the Professor is very proud of the lamp (I think I would prefer the shade in another color) which he had bought on his own (!) for £3 in a charity shop...


  1. Du, den butikken skjønner jeg er farlig, men jeg tror vi skal prøve MANGE muffinsoppskrifter før vi finner en som overgår dine gulerotmuffins. Det er bare de beste muffins vi noen gang har smakt og vi elsker muffins.

    Angående skattollet, så er jeg enig med professoren i at det ikke må males. Noe er penest "in natura". Koffertene var og geniale. Det er kjekt å få til noe som ikke alle har og som blir unikt.

    Ha en flott helg.

  2. Hi Mette, I left a cake recipe on my blog for you.

  3. Skattollet er nydelig!
    Jeg tror jammen jeg må prøve å få tak i et selv jeg altså :)

    - Ja, jeg startet "min karriere" (hehe) i blogglandia
    med en juleblogg i fjor.
    Ikke så mye å skryte av altså.
    Men du finner den her:

    Håper søndagen blir god!

