Here we go with the first recipe from the weekend's festivities which is also my contribution to this month's challenge from Sota Saker.
This month's challenge is to bake something under the heading "Foreign".
Ok, ok, perhaps cupcakes are not all that foreign, but the recipe I used is British/American!:
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Very conveniently The Professor bought me this book on Saturday ;-) |
This month's challenge is to bake something under the heading "Foreign".
Ok, ok, perhaps cupcakes are not all that foreign, but the recipe I used is British/American!:
Anyway, these are absolutely the best cupcakes I have ever tried!
For 12 (small) cupcakes you need
(I actually recommend that your double the recipe):
120 g plain flour
140 g caster sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
40 gram unsalted butter (room temperature)
120 ml milk
1 egg
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
Vanilla frosting
Vanilla frosting
(see below)
(hundreds & thousands or other edible sprinkles)
(hundreds & thousands or other edible sprinkles)
Sift the flour and mix with sugar/baking powder/ salt and butter till you have a sandy consistency.
I used a hand held mixer for ease.
Pour in half the milk and beat until the milk is incorporated
Pour in half the milk and beat until the milk is incorporated
Whisk the egg with the rest of the milk and the vanilla extract in a separate bowl. Pour this into the flour mixture and continue beating till it is incorporated.
A handy tip is to put the papercases in a cupcake tray so they keep their form
Spoon the mixture into the paper cases (2/3 full) and bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 mins.
Oven temperature 170 degrees.
Vanilla Frosting
I am not mad keen on frosting.
I think they are often too sweet so I am still on the lookout for something different.
But this is a rather traditional recipe and which I sometimes use on carrot cakes.
However, we often don't bother with any frosting as the cupcakes are so delicious in themselves,
but the downside is that they don't look so 'festive'
I think they are often too sweet so I am still on the lookout for something different.
But this is a rather traditional recipe and which I sometimes use on carrot cakes.
However, we often don't bother with any frosting as the cupcakes are so delicious in themselves,
but the downside is that they don't look so 'festive'
300g icing sugar
50 g unsalted butter (room temperature)
125 g cream cheese
I added a small spoon of raspberry jam to give it some color
combine the icing sugar and butter first and then beat in the cream cheese till fluffy.
Word of warning - if you overbeat it can quickly become runny.
When the cupcakes are cold spoon the frosting on top and decorate as you like!
De skal jeg prøve..takk for tips..har boken:)
ReplyDeleteNam. Muffins, eh unnskyld cupcakes, blir mer og mer forsegjort.
ReplyDeleteHei Mette. Nei, jeg har ikke funnet ut hvordan jeg zoomer på iPhone...jeg har prøvd, men finner ikke ut hvordan jeg gjør.
ReplyDeleteNam , det så deilig ut :-)
ReplyDeletePs - jeg har en gammel iphone - og ungene mine viste meg nettopp hvordan jeg zoomer :-)
Når du har kamera åpnet for å ta bilde - trykk på skjermen nederst og hold en stund - så dukker "zoome-knappen" frem :-)
Min iphone er gammel og bildene mine blir ikke så bra når jeg bruker zoomen , men ungene har nyere og der blir det bra :-)
( nå svarer jeg jo uten å helt vite om det var dette dere lurte på da .. )
Hei Mette
ReplyDeleteTusen takk for koselig kommentar, og takk for din stemme ღ setter virkelig stor pris på den… Frustrerte fruer som gikk i dag er episode 18 – ”Moments in the Woods” – sesong 7. Bare så godt med vanilje cupcakes, nam, nam… Og den boken der har jeg også, bare så mye fristende i den :) Nydelig dekket bord til din sønns 15 års dag under her, så sommerlig og kos… Ønsker deg en fortsatt fin uke, stor klem fra Mette