Sunday 12 August 2012

Tried and Tested: Homemade Fresh White Cheese

I have often made yoghurt (taught by my Iranian father-in-law) in the past, but this weekend I was inspired by Lakeland to make soft white cheese. I am working my way through their recipes in the book by Gerard Baker called "How to make soft cheese - seven step-by-step recipes". Last week I made mozzarella, but found it was a lot of effort for very little outcome...
Tasted nice, though.
The Fresh White Cheese recipe gave a satisfying portion (the picture showes half of the cheese I made) out of the effort and ingredidents used. It is very mild in taste, like a nice cream cheese. We liked it a lot and I can see it go well mixed with some garlic and herbs and some nice bread or crackers.
Below is how I made it. It might sound like there are many steps to it, but it was not complicated:

Heat 2 l of full fat milk to 24 degrees (C) in a stainless steel pan. Use a digital thermometer to monitor the temperature.
Add 300 ml live yoghurt or cultured buttermilk (I used buttermilk)
Mix 1/4 rennet with 1 tablespoon boiled water and add to the milk/yoghurt base. You can buy rennet from Lakeland or in some countries from the pharmacy.
Stir briefly and then leave it at room temperature overnight (1 left it for about 7 hrs.).

Cut the curd with a sharp knife into 2 cm strips and then across again the same way making 2 cm squares.

Place a colander over a bowl and line the colander with a muslin square and ladle the curd into it. The curd should be left to drain for another 2-3 hours.

Mix some salt into the curd and pile it into a muslin-lined cheese mold (I have a plastic one with lots of holes in it to allow further drainage). I placed the cheese mold in a colander on a plate and then left it in the fridge overnight.

The cheese is now ready!
Apparently, it lasts up to 5 days in the fridge.

PS: Just to make it clear - I am not sponsored by Lakeland, I am just a great fan


  1. Dette ser spennende ut, men tror jeg kjøper ost.... Har aldri tenkt på at jeg skulle lage ost selv, men kanskje du nå har sådd et frø!

  2. Wow, jeg er super imponert over din ostelaging !
    Takk for oppskrift, men sorry....dette blir for komplisert....kjøper heller :)

    Tro hvilken ost du finner på neste gang?

    Ikke glemt hintet ditt om pannacottai oppskriften....skal se om ikke det faller naturlig en dag, men ett innlegg.....

  3. OST!?! Det tror jeg er det siste jeg ville vurdert å lage sjøl, med mindre jeg var strandet som budeie på ei seter :) Men utrolig kult, da!

  4. Hehehe... ja, jeg ser vel ikke helt for meg en tur som budeie pa en seter, men kanskje det ikke ville vaert sa dumt... Men tror nok jeg trenger internett der (for mere inspirasjon!). Men ost har faktisk vaert moro a lage og veldig godt! Har planer om a prove meg pa haloumi (gresk/kypriotisk ost som kan stekes) og feta. Kanskje det bor ei budeie i meg allikevel! :-)

