Tuesday, 30 April 2013


I think this plant must be confused. The bulb was bought in time for it to bloom for Christmas - I potted it and started tending to it at the end of October 2012 and

Christmas came and went and no sign of any growth. I thought it was dead, but decided to leave it  it in the pot and more or less forgot about it. I kept giving it a little water every now and then and about 6 weeks ago I could see some signs of growth!
So, now at the end of April when the temperature is reaching double digits, it is in full bloom. Given the very cold winter we have had it was perhaps not strange that it has been 'hibernating'?Unfortunately, it grew so big that one night it toppled over and the flowers broke off. Still pretty in a vase.
Anyway, THAT must be what is called a late bloomer!


  1. Ha ha... ja det var late bloomer. Jeg synes de ofte har en tendens til å brekke om de ikke støttes opp, men fine er de i vase også.

  2. Hehe hehe festlig, snakk om å være sent ute !!
    Men, akk såååå vakker !

