Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Tried and Tested: Café Sting's Chocolate Heaven

I have never been to Stavanger, but there is apparently a very popular place there called "Café Sting". I have read somewhere that they claim to offer the best coffee in Stavanger and that they are also known for their killer chocolate cake.

A friend sent me this recipe and since I have  promised to make the wedding cake for some other friends, I am in the process of trying out various options. I have made a couple of minor amendments from the original recipe. It came out really moist with an amazing chocolate cream.
The Cake:
125 gram butter
1 dl water
3 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla sugar
4 eggs
250 gram sugar(I used golden caster sugar)
150 gram flour
3 tsp baking powder
Melt the butter in a pan. Add the water, cocoa powder and vanilla sugar. Take the pan off the heat and whisk in 4 egg yolks. Add the sugar, flour and baking powder. Ensure the dough is smooth and without lumps. Whisk the egg whites till it forms stiff peaks and add this gently to the dough.
Line a baking tin with grease proof paper and bake at the bottom of the oven at 175 degrees for 45 mins. Let the cake cool in the tin. When cooled, take it out of the tin and divide the cake in two.

The Chocolate Cream:
2 eggs
1 dl cream (I used whipping cream)
135 gram sugar
50 gram good quality baking chocolate (I swapped it for 50 gram cocoa powder)
125 gram butter
1 tsp vanilla sugar
Add the cream, eggs and sugar in a pan. Let it come to a boil and keep stirring. Take it off the heat and add the chocolate (or cocoa powder).  Let the chocolate melt and add the butter and vanilla sugar. Stirr till it all has melted and there are no lumps. Put the pan in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Use an electric whisk to whip it up.

Add the cream betwen the two cake layers and on top. 

Decoration (if you really think you need any more):
grated dark chocolate

This cake keeps well in the fridge and you can also freeze it.
If there is anything left...
I am thinking it might be interesting adding some chili to the chocolate cream.
Does any body have any views on this?

Don't worry about too much cake in our house - I tend to give most of it away to neighbours in exchange for their comments!



  1. Den hørtes helt himmelsk god ut! Noe til min samboers bursdag om et par uker, kanskje!

  2. Men var det 'en killer' kake?
    Den beste du har smakt?
    Jeg syns alltid det er gøy å prøve nye
    oppskrifter, men det er liksom ingen
    som kan slå de kakene jeg baker fra før =) Hehe...

    1. Skjonner hva du mener. Jeg bakte en annen kake for et par uker siden og den fikk ikke komme pa bloggen... ingen vits a ta vare pa den oppskriften. Den var ikke god nok. Denne derimot, tror jeg blir en slager her i huset. Den var utrolig god (provde a ikke spise sa mye...), saerlig kremen var deilig.

  3. Den kaken har jeg hørt mye om, men aldri bakt eller smakt. Nå når jeg har oppskriften skal jeg jammen prøve den ut på familien.

    En annen ting...min datter, Studenten, skal til Iran på "ferie" i sommer. Jeg er jo selvfølgelig litt bekymret, bør jeg være det?

    1. Haper dere liker kaken like godt som vi gjorde :-)

      Det er ca 3 ar siden jeg var i Iran og jeg har alltid hatt fantastiske turer dit. Jeg sender deg en mail med litt mere info ilopet av helgen.

