Monday, 21 June 2010

My Tins

I love my tins.

When a friend of mine gave me a box of chocolate from Zurich I was almost more happy for the tin than the chocolate! Btw - the chocolate was AMAZING!

However, I particularly like tins that can be useful, and I don't mean just for cakes or cookies.
This one is special to me as it used to be my mother's. I keep the dishwasher tablets in it. Funnily enough, I have no idea what she used it for as I had never seen it in use!

This one has a lot of history for me. 
It came from the hotel where my mother used to work as head receptionist when I was little.
It is now where we keep the cat food.

Some tins are new, but made to look a bit old. This one holds the laundry detergent and looks much nicer than the regular packs I think!

I like things that give order to my life.
This one is very practical when Our Boy or the Professor (at the last minute) need to shine their shoes. All they need is in one place
I will already have taken care of my own, of course...! ;-)


  1. Sjarmerende bokser! Likte spesielt sjokoladeboksen - skulle gjerne likt å få smake på sjokoladen som var inni:)


  2. Så mange fine bokser! Kjekt med ting som både er flotte og praktiske. Likte veldig godt teboksen.
    Har noen lignende de nederste dine. Utrolig greit når det står utenpå hva som er oppi:-)

    Ha en fin uke!


  3. Åååå så nydelige bokser! Elsker dem! :)
    Flott samling..

    Ønsker deg en deilig kveld og flott uke!

    -og forresten så foccacia'ene deilige ut! mmmm...

    Klem fra Tove

  4. Har aldri tenkt på at tinnboksenen faktisk kan brukes til noe fornuftig...*rødme*

