Sunday 20 June 2010

Tried and Tested: Focaccia

Baking seems to be the obvious answer when the weather is as miserable as now.
If I didnt' know better I would have thought we were in October...

I have mentioned before the lovely focaccia recipe with a "secret" trick I found on Fru Hermez' blog.

Here it is in English:
The "secret" is to make the dough the night before and leave over night to rise in the fridge (!) and then also a little on the counter before baking.
Yes, it will actually rise in the fridge and makes the entire process so timeconsuming! Me like! I normally put the dough together on Friday evening and that way we have the bread for lunch on Saturday. It feels like NO work!

Mix in a mixmaster or food processor (or by hand)
1 generous tsp of yeast  (30grams if you use fresh yeast) with
6 dl flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tblsp olive oil
3 dl lukewarm water

Form to a ball, cover and put it in the fridge overnight. SIMPLE!

The next morning:
Let the dough rest a little on the counter.
Shape it and put in a suitable tin or ovenproof dish
Add some sea salt, chopped garlic, rosemary and olives plus a generous helping of olive oil over the dough
Bake in the oven on 200 degrees for 20-30 mins


  1. Dette så godt ut, flink til å lage mat du! Jeg elsker det jeg også, men når vu har vært på jobb må det gå unna, da blir det fort lettvindt. De står og hopper ved grytene til ho mor vet du. Håper du får en super uke Mette!

  2. Å så deilig. Jeg elsker bare det brødet. Helt hærlig. Ha en flott dag.
    :) Susanne

  3. Dette brødet laget vi faktisk på kokkekurs nå når jeg var ute. Og det som er så fenomenalt med det; samme deigen kan du bruke både til pita-brød og italiensk pizzabunner!! Enda mere ME LIKE!!

  4. Dette skal jeg også prøve. Helt klart :)

