Monday, 14 June 2010

Glad it is Monday...

So ignored, but still happy to bloom!

Please don't misunderstand me - I loooove my weekends! But sometimes it is actually nice to get back on track after a particularly busy weekend ;-)

Starting Saturday afternoon after the Summer Fete I wrote about yesterday, Our Boy had three friends over this weekend for a late birthday celebration. Really lovely, polite boys they were. I still have a hard time being addressed as "Mrs...". I always think it is my mother-in-law people talk about! 

The celebrations started with them going to the movies to see Prince of Persia. Our Boy's guitar teacher is an extra in the film, but they didn't spot him. Apparently, a very good film - in the style of "Pirates of the Carribean" although not as good.
The rest of the evening they spent eating burritos and nachos (no real cooking involved as it was all rather ready made, so no recipe attached) and the Budapest cake while they were either playing computer games or the playstation or being silly on Facebook. Just what 14 year old boys want to do!
They rounded it off with watching movies in bed till about 2 am... Not bad, actually - but I caved in at 12.30 am. However, they all woke up at 6 am (probably because of the light)! I refused to get up that early on a Sunday, so pancakes were served at 9 am. Amazing how many pancakes 14 year old boys can manage to eat...

We then all rushed to town to buy new shoes for Our Boy (thank God for Sunday open shops!) - really annoying three weeks before the end of term! The old ones had suddenly lost a sole and had a big hole (!) in them, so no way out... After a quick bite for lunch at "EAT" the celebrations were over and we drove the boys home.

Neither Our Boy nor I had much energy left so the afternoon was spent watching a DVD of a Swedish classic House of Angels while Our Boy slept on the couch...

In the evening I went with my Welsh friend and saw "Sex & The City 2".
I found the film full of lovely mindnumbing Western cultural ignorance and didn't really like the clothes most of the time except for classy Charlotte. But the interiors were a lot more interesting! I am not really slating the film, it is what it is.

So, you see - sometimes Mondays are a blessing after a busy weekend!


  1. Artig at det er flere enn meg som har travle helger, her har det virkelig gått unna i det siste. Blir sånn med unge damer i huset, dattra vår var på byen sammen med noen venniner i helga, oj, litt av et liv. Heldigvis var ho vår helt i orden med vennina havnet på glattcella. Ble ikke mye søvn den natta, fikk hjem ei som hadde veldig behov for å snakke, ikke lett å være 18 heller. Ønsker deg en flott uke!

  2. Høres ut som en travel helg, Mrs Mette! Og store gutter spiser UTROLIG mye! Tenker det gikk med noen liter pannekakerøre. Du er nå en snill mamma da - tenker "veslegutten" var fornøyd med feiringen.


  3. Hei!! Jeg har funnet bloggen din hos Yoga Lady. (Hun er en god venn) Du viser bilde av en blomst som for meg er ganske ny!? Jeg har en nå som står i blomst akkurat nå.Synes den er så fin!! Morsomt det du sier om å bli tiltalt med Mrs, jeg har også opplevd det , har bodd utenfor Norge en periode, og jeg så meg også over skulderen for å se om svigemoren min plutselig stod bak ryggen min. Men det var meg de mente. Jeg brukte fakisk lang tid på å få barn til å kalle meg Anne. Norske barn er virkelig ikke oppdratt til å si Mrs til noen. Du har en hyggelig blogg!! Hilsen fra AnneKari:-)

