Friday, 20 August 2010

Tried and tested: Old Fashion Chocolate Pudding

Weekend is almost here!
I find I often revert back to old dishes I ate as a child, but I had never made home made chocolate pudding. Chocolate mousse, yes, but not the old fashioned pudding.
I accidentally came across a recipe for home made chocolate pudding and it is super easy:

  • 3/4 l milk (use whatever type you want - I used skimmed milk)
  • 3/4 bar of cooking chocolate OR 3 tbs of cocoa
  • 2 tbs of sugar
  • 3 tbs of cornflour (Maizena)
This is the recipe as it was given.
However, unless your chocolate is very sweet (mine was the "healthy" version - really bitter), I recommend you add some more sugar either while preparing it or sprinkle som extra on top.

How to do it:
Mix the cornflour with about 1 1/2 dl of the cold milk,
Break the chocolate or mix the cocoa with the rest of the milk and bring to a boil (remember to keep stirring!).
Add the maizena/milk mixture along with the sugar and let it boil for about 2 mins while stirring.
Pour into your serving dish and set aside to cool.

That's it!

Traditionally we served it with a thick vanilla sauce on top:
(unless you want to skip it to save calories OR perhaps use plain milk...?)

  • 4 1/2 dl milk
  • 1 small tbs cornflour
  • 30 gram sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (optional)
  • 2 dl whipping cream

Mix the flour and milk and bring to a boil for about 10 mins while adding the rest of the milk.
Add the sugar and cool.
Add the crem right before serving


  1. Å ja, vi spiste også sjokoladepudding til dessert på søndager i min barndom....

    Koselig å ta vare på gamle tradisjoner og oppskifter også.

    God helg til deg og dine.

  2. Namnam, denne laget mamma også tykk, hjemmelaget vaniljesaus - og ja, det var søndagsdessert. Jeg har ikke prøvd å lage den - lager veldig lite dessert forresten, her vi har bodd i 10 år går det mest i frukt. Vi har jo mengder av eksotiske frukter å ta av.....
    Ha en fin helg og kos dere med sjokoladepuddingen :-)

  3. Hei!! Du har kanskje vokst opp med Sjokoladepudding fra Freia du også?? Det var en vanlig dessert i mitt barndomshjem. Nå er det ikke mye desserter til hverdags lengre, men din pudding så fristende ut!! God Helg!! AnneKari:-)

