Sunday, 29 May 2011

Bank Holiday Project: Revamping Garden Furniture and Ikea trip

We are in the midst of yet another Bank Holiday Weekend. 
I am not complaining but I would have liked some more sunshine and less wind! But 21 degrees isn't too bad.

My project for this weekend has been revamping the garden furniture. We have a wooden bench, a chair and a footstool which have all seen better days. But they are all sturdy although weather beaten. I have therefore given them a new lease of life and got some pale jasmin garden furniture paint and I am pleased with the results. The pictures of the bench above were taken a few days apart. 
That lovely afternoon sun is sorely missed today.

But I have not just been painting. I managed to slip in a trip to Ikea today. We are in the middle of two outlets, each about 1 hour away. I went to the one in Milton Keynes. It is a strange place... The town was purpose built in 1967 and reminds me of new estates in the USA. The roads are all wide and it is very green, but to me the place has no soul. On the other hand it has 'thousands' of roundabouts. The challenge is that it looks the same all over and it is so easy to get lost. My SatNav is a necessity in these cases, although I think we need to update it as there are a lot of new road layouts on the way. Most of the time it looked like I was driving in the middle of a field and I could almost hear the lady in the machine getting anxious over this 'reckless' driving...

But I have to say I was sooo good at Ikea and did not go overboard as it is all too easy to do when going to Ikea... The supplies of candles and napkins are now replenished as well as Swedish caviar, crisps, blueberry jam and chocolate plus the odd things I never knew I needed



  1. På Ikea er det enkelt å oppdage ting man ikke visste at man trengte....De har så mange geniale løsninger.

  2. Å, så flott benken ble! Så god som ny:-)

    Og man går aldri tomhendt hjem fra Ikea:-)


  3. Benken ble kjempefin!
    Du har ihvertfall temperaturen på rett side, her er 10 grader, regn og blåst, pyton....
    Jeg klarer aldri å tomhendt fra IKEA, inn for å kjøpe lys, men finner alltid masse :-))

  4. Wow! Benken ble kjempe fin Mette!
    Man kommer aldri tomhendt ut fra IKEA nei...
    Det er ikke måte på hvor inspirert man blir der!
    Og alt man plutselig bare MÅ ha! .....

    Ønsker deg en super uke, med GODT vær!


  5. Oooh! They look nice! I think we're getting your heat and sunshine now ... 23C today (with humidity 29C) and it's going to be getting hotter!
    Have a great week,

