Sunday 15 May 2011

Learning Something New

I have not been much of a blogger this last week. 
Life gets 'in the way' 
and as many other I also had problems logging in...

But I did go on the photography course I mentioned some days ago. 
It was really a great day and money well spent! 

We were 10 people in total and they were all lovely. We had a good laugh with Rod, our brilliant instructor. He was very informal, and really knows his stuff. It was fun to hear all of us going 'Aha' and nodding as 'the penny dropped' when he was explaining something or giving useful tips. 
For instance, I never knew I could set my camera so that the vision in the viewfinder suited my eyes when I am not wearing glasses. (On my Canon EOS 550D there is a small wheel with a '- and +' sign next to the viewfinder.)

We had an indoor class in the morning and spent some time practising in the afternoon what we had learnt, about depth of field, aperture, ISO, correct exposure, white balance,  composition, and so on. 

At the end of the day our pictures were uploaded to the projector and we all got to see each other's work. It was really instructive and there were some very good shots. I got nice feedback on mine and am happy that the theory seemed to worked!

I use Photoscape to adjust my pictures, but I am tempted to get Photoshop Elements. We were recommended version 6, 7, or 8 to be the better versions. I appreciated we were not encouraged to get lots of fancy lenses and gadgets. There is enough to play with and to get to know in the camera as it is.

There is still lots to learn and I am hoping to go on another of their courses, perhaps in the fall. But I want to practise more what I have learnt before any new knowledge is taken on board! 


  1. Hei!! Så flott at du har gått på kurs!! Det står høyt på lista mi også!! Det er noe med det å virkelig lære hvordan kameraet virker!! Jeg bruker mitt lille kompaktkamera, mye fordi jeg ikke helt vet hvordan jeg skal bruke det store!! Jeg hadde også problemer med blogger..... tror det har vært over det hele. Ha en fin uke, du må kanske feire 17 mai sånn litt for deg selv?? AnneK:-)

  2. Foto er gøy! Kjempefie bilder du har knipset:)

  3. Flotte bilder! Jeg MÅ bli flinkere til å øve! :) Jeg tar som regel bare bilder fordi det er noe jeg skal ta bilde av og da har jeg jo ikke tid til å drive å prøve og tulle og tøyse i lang tid. Folk orker i alle fall sjelden å vente på det :)

  4. Ønsker deg og dine en vakker 17. mai-feiring Mette! Kos dere masse! :)

    Anette Willemine

