Thursday, 19 May 2011

Tried and Tested: Pita Bread

Our local delicatessen sells really delicious pita bread every Thursday. They get them only once a week from a bakery that also delivers tempting French baked goods... 
I like that they are not always available as it makes it a little bit more special. 

So, Thursday is Pita day!

But pita bread is not hard to make. 
I have often made them - when I have time - and they are great to take on a picnic or for the lunch packs, as well as for a quick and easy dinner on a hectic day. 
I use this recipe by the famous Norwegian chef Ingrid Espelid Hovig which I found in a magazine from 1995 
(I still have the cut out in a plastic folder!):

4.5 dl water
25 gram yeast
1 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp salt
10-11 dl flour

Mix all well, cover under cling film and let it rest for 30 mins. 
Knead well and divide the dough into 16 balls.
Let them rest for a few minutes
Flatten the balls with a rolling pin - to the size of a small plate.
Transfer the flattened dough balls to well greased baking sheets or baking parchment. You probably won't fit more than 4 pitas to each sheet.
Let the pitas rise for about 1 hr.

Bake in the middle of the oven on 250 degrees (very hot oven!)
After a few minutes the pitas will puff up.
Bake for about 8 mins (keep an eye on them so they don't burn).

Note: If they have been rising too long they might not puff up, 
but it should be possible to prize them open for filling.

Those in the picture were filled with plenty of lettuce, tomatoes, fried bacon, onion, cheese and mushrooms. 

Pitas are perhaps an alternative to tacos...?


  1. Nå ble jeg nysjerrig på middagstipset ditt, og dette ser jo både lekkert og fristendes ut! Smart å lage dem til picnik, utrolig hvor godt sånne ting smaker på tur!:) Takk for supert tips og oppskrift!
    Klem Anne Karin

  2. Suuulten! Heldigvis er Mr Pafrika ute og feller oss en take-awaymiddag. Pitabrødene så kjempegode ut. Jeg er nok større fan av å kjøpe enn å bake selv. Baking er nemlig pittelitt kjedelig, synes jeg. Men ferske pitabrød har jeg ennå til gode å se her i Norge, og de i plast er ikke allverdens, kan man si. Kanskje jeg skjerper meg litt og baker mine egne ;)

    Fin helg til deg!

