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I was thinking about apps the other day
- as you do
When I first acquired my IPhone and IPad I was like a kid in a candy store.
So excited about what was out there.
I downloaded lots of 'useful' apps
- for needs I never knew I had -
and organised them neatly into categories
(I like order...)
Now, a few months down the line I notice I don't really use that many of all those I downloaded.
There is the calendar (can't live without it now!), the email, the Safari for internet browsing, the contacts, the iTunes/iPod, the camera, Facebook, Skype, BlogPress, iBooks (not that much used, I must admit), about 8-9 newspapers (wonder how much longer we will still call them newspapers?), maps, train information. Under the category 'Tools' I have a ruler, a spirit level (very handy at times!), a convert units app, a currency converter and notes. I also have an app for Ocado to place my weekly shopping and for Amazon. I am not big on gaming, but there is a solitar game I enjoy.
Actually, come to think of it, that is more than I thought.
Then I had an email.
I am sure many other bloggers also get offered all sorts of things to promote on their blogs but this was different: they wanted to know my opinion on an app they were thinking of developing. This app is about turning living healthy and promoting fitness into a game, where users earn points, and
"level up' as they achieve their goals. Everytime they eat something
healthy like vegetables, they earn points. Everytime they complete a workout,
they earn points.
There was more to it than described, but it made me think again about the craze of apps. There seems to be an app for just about anything!
Not sure an app will help me get fit and loose weight though.
So, do apps aide you in your life???
Actually, I have skipped the whole iPhone and iPad thing.... I love my MacBook laptop and my iPod, but that is probably as far as I'll go when it comes to "gadgets". I agree some of the apps on iPhone can be handy, but as you say "we never knew we needed them"....which for me says it all.... I'm not old-fasioned, just that I'm starting to hate seeing everyones face glued to their phone, checking on e-mails and updates every other minute. To me a phone is a phone - calling and texting when necessary. I'm thinking that we are loosing something in this digital, wireless world......:-)
ReplyDeleteJeg elsker IPaden min, jeg innrømmer det gjerne. Tror nok at de appene jeg bruker mest er Goodreader og Evernote. Mye enklere med strikkemønstre når man kan forstørre diagrammer, streke under der man er og skrive notater til meg selv. Evernote er super hvis det er noe fra en avis eller magasin jeg vil ta vare på - kopier og lag en notat i Evernote -voila. Love it.
ReplyDeleteNesten som å ha en ekstra hjerne - og det trengs. Min tar ofte ferie helt på egen hånd. :)
Jeg har ikke mange Apps, verken på iPad eller iPhone..... de jeg har lastet ned og ser at jeg ikke bruker, har jeg slettet. Jeg liker ikke å ha så mange ting jeg ikke bruker. På de fleste områder prøver jeg på å holde meg til ordtaket "less is best".....
ReplyDeleteJeg har faktisk klart å begrense meg når det gjelder apper. Har selvfølgelig noen, som Facebook, ebay, aviser, Trafikantens sanntid, som skal gi deg svar på når bussen kommer, men som sjelden viser seg å stemme likevel....Viber, BlogPress, Scan, som er genial, My run, Hipstamatic og noen spill. Jeg eeeeelsker min iPhone og iPad. :-)
ReplyDeleteTakk for hjelp ang. helligdager i UK, forresten.