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I love my bed.
What I love most about it is that it is 1.8 m wide
- plenty of space for two
(or even three when Our Boy was little).
Amazingly enough, it never seems large enough when I sleep alone in it with The Cat. It is incredible how much space such a small animal seems to 'need'...
Anyway, this isn't about The Cat.
I have for many years been honkering after a Tempur mattress. Admittedly, I have never tried a Tempur mattress, but somehow I believe it MUST be great. My plan was to get one if/when we move house. That is still some years away, so when I came across the offer for a mattress topper from Cloud's Memory Foam on a GroupOn offer (73% off!) I took the chance. The topper arrived yesterday and I put on new clean bedsheets.
Don't you just love the feeling of clean bedsheets?!
One of life's little luxeries
I wouldn't say I slept 'on a cloud', but it was veeery comfortable. Being rather generously endowed from nature's side (sounds better than saying I need to loose some pounds, doesn't it?), I often have aches and pains in my hips and back when I wake up in the morning. I was pleased to note that I had none of that this morning. This is just a mattress topper, so I believe that a real Tempur mattress MUST be even better.
The Professor did not share my enthusiasm.
I had snored.
To my defense - I have a cold.
On the bright side, it probably means he will use another bedroom tonight and I get ALL of this lovely comfort to myself
... unless The Cat decides to stay in and occupy it, too!
HE doesn't mind if I snore!
Herlig! God bedring.
ReplyDeleteVi trodde også Tempur madrass var lurt, og fikk lånt en til datteren da hun hadde et brudd i en ryggvirvel. Men vi har for kalde soverom. Jeg tror at Tempurmadress egner seg best for dem som har Daybed i stua. Jeg har brukt Tempurpute i mange år, og den varmer jeg opp før jeg legger meg.
ReplyDeleteSmykket kan du kjøpe hos Gullfunn se katalog s 6http://www.gullfunn.no/upload/forjul_2011/index.html
Har aldri prøvd Tempur, men har forstått at det skal være bra.. Jeg er av typen som sover "any time and any place" og det må jeg jo være så ofte som jeg skifter seng...
ReplyDeleteGod helg til dere.
Vi har hel memoryfoam-madrass og når jeg er borte noe sted er det den jeg savner. Katten min elsker den også, men som du siesr - hun tar opp all plassen.
ReplyDeleteDet høres veldig behagelig ut. Tempurmadrass er bare god i "varme" soverom ,ellers blir madrassen for hard. God helg fra Telemark.