Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Mid Week Humour for Ryanair Travellers

Three very funny ladies!

Particularly their song about "Cheap Flights"...
I think many of us can relate to this
although I have to say Ryanair has been a great way of travelling for me ;-)

You can see their song "Cheap Flights" here on YouTube


  1. Morsome damer, spesielt for meg i flybransjen...

    Tusen takk for spennende oppskrift,men tror jeg må ha litt hjelp med oversettelse av div. ingredisenser. Kommer tilbake til det, må bare få printet ut oppskriften først. Det er så kjekt å prøve ut nye ting.

  2. Ha, ha!

    Ønsker deg en morsom torsdag, Mette!

    Klem sendes over havet fra,
    Anette Willemine

  3. Thank you for posting this - I'd forgotten just how much I like Fascinating Aida!

    Spent a happy hour on youtube last night in hysterics (instead of doing useful stuff but who cares...)

  4. Very funny! thanks for sharing the link ... I guess the days of the 50p flight are officially over now!

  5. I guess so. I never forget my cousin's reaction when she, her father, her two kids and my mum came over to England for a total of £80 for the roundtrip... She thought it was £80 per person. I could have made some money there ... ;-)

    Still, Ryanair is what it is. Cheap and not always so cheerful, but it has been/still is very useful for me!

