Back at school Our Boy and His Norwegian Friend decided not to have the school lunch this year.
The main reason was that the queue was too long and they feared they would spend most of their break waiting for food.
Nutrition is high on my agenda and feeding two teenage boys is no joke. They have ENORMOUS appetities and are CONSTANTLY hungry! As they are both very active the need for food is very real! School days are also very long here. They leave at 8 am and the earliest they are home in the afternoon is 4.30 pm.

I have been thinking of alternatives to the usual sandwiches for lunch. Apart from fruit and raw vegetables as well as leftovers from dinner the night before,
the biggest success is my take on calzone!
I was planning to make more on the weekend, but as I am weak for flattery and was told over dinner tonight that this was the best lunch,
I quickly made some for tomorrow ;-)
They know how to play me now...! I will normally make a larger batch and freeze them individually so they can just take a pack out of the freezer in the morning.
I will go a long way to save precious minutes in the morning!
the biggest success is my take on calzone!
I was planning to make more on the weekend, but as I am weak for flattery and was told over dinner tonight that this was the best lunch,
I quickly made some for tomorrow ;-)
They know how to play me now...! I will normally make a larger batch and freeze them individually so they can just take a pack out of the freezer in the morning.
I will go a long way to save precious minutes in the morning!
For the Calzone I use the focaccia recipe as a base, but only leave it to rise for 1 hr (occassionally swapping some of the white flour for some healthier varieties) and have either filled them with
ham/cheese/pesto sauce/tomatoe paste/feta cheese
or like tonight with the leftovers from the
Shepherd's Pie with squash and red lentils
we had for dinner
(I will put this recipe later).
I think a couple of these should be sufficient to get them through the day.
ham/cheese/pesto sauce/tomatoe paste/feta cheese
or like tonight with the leftovers from the
Shepherd's Pie with squash and red lentils
we had for dinner
(I will put this recipe later).
I think a couple of these should be sufficient to get them through the day.
For en snill mor du er, dette så kjempegodt ut.
ReplyDeleteGodt mine barn ikke skal ha matpakke lenger, for misunnelsen hadde vært stor hadde de sett dette...
Stakkar, de måtte klare seg med grovbrød med leverpostei.
Ha en flott helg.
Hehehe... takk for komplimentet.
ReplyDeleteHadde vi hatt skikkelig norsk grovbrod her borte sa hadde det nok blitt det pa dem ogsa! Brodet her er dessverre ikke sa mye a skryte av (litt "svampete" uten tyngde), sa det ma bli hjemmebakt for at det skal bli noe ordentlig mat ut av det for sultne tenaringer.
mmmm... Dette så bare nydelig ut både som matpakke, lunch -og også for mor :)
ReplyDeleteKjempegod ide! Og fin måte å benytte rester..
Du får finne noe lyng, så ikke hjemlengselen blir for stor. Jeg lengter alltid hjem (nordover) når sommer og midnattsolen er her..
Ha en flott helg!
Stor klem fra Tove
Jeg lager pizza snurrer eller grove pizza boller til mine barns matpakker innimellom. Men nå skal jeg jammen prøve calzone! :O)
ReplyDeleteHa en fin dag,
klem :O)