Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Not What You Would Expect...!

A new magazine has just come out about cakedecorating.
The first issue is being sold at a very reasonable 99p.
This first issue comes with a couple of cookie cutters as well as a paper stand for cupcakes.
In addition, there is a little box of sparkle glitter to decorate cakes with.

My concern is with the glitter -
 would you add sparkle glitter to a cake although the glitter 'isn't toxic', it 'should not be consumed' and should be removed before eating the cake...

The only place this glitter will shimmer in my house is in the bin!


  1. Hei!! Ja det høres ganske teit ut!! Kakepynt som ikke skal spises....... Ha en fin dag!! AnneK:-)

  2. Hehe. Jeg fikk en gang en peanøtt pose som det sto advarsel på; "May contain nuts".

    Men ikkespiselig glitter som kakepynt er jo litt sært, det syns jeg. Makan.

  3. PS. Mette, vet du at du har den nye spamkontrollen på, med to ord som er omtrent umulige å se?

