Wednesday 12 January 2011

A Stylish Blogger...

Nellie has very kindly awarded me the "Stylish Blogger Award" which originated in the USA, I think.
Thank you so much!!!

The award has the following conditions:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
- done!
2. Tell 7 things about yourself
- (see below)
3. Send the award to 15 other blogs
- Now, choosing 15 deserving blogs is very hard - particularly since many similar awards has often made its way around Bloglandia before! I therefore nominate all the blogs on my bloggroll, if they wish to receive it!
 4 Contact these blogs and tell them about the award
- Now, choosing 15 deserving stylish blogs is very hard - particularly since many similar awards has often made its way around Bloglandia before! I therefore nominate all the blogs on my bloggroll, if they wish to receive it!
Consider yourself notified!

So, here goes 7 things about me
(which is actually really hard to think about - so it has therefore taken a few days):

1. The strangest job I ever had was when I had a summer job minding the public toilet in the park in my hometown... This was my mum's cousin's job and I was once "entrusted" with the duties when she went on holiday. The job entailed sitting in a small hut under ground where the facilities were with a small hatch in to the gents' side and another to the ladies and receive payment for their use of the cubicles (men did not pay if they only used the urinals!). The job was normally shared by two women who divided the opening hours in to 2 shifts and they kept the place spotless - each toilet was thoroughly washed after each visitor! Not that it was the busiest place in town - I had perhaps 5 needy people on my shift... The hut was actually very cosy, with a radio, books and knitting material and friends would pop in to see me.
However, my "career" only lasted two weeks
 - and even if it was easy money, I never asked to do it again. 

2. I love researching into my family background so genealogy is a hobby of mine. Not that I have found anything too exciting, but I find it fascinating piecing it together and thinking about how the times shaped the choices people made and how different life could have been for them with today's choices.

3. Although I "dabble" in a few languages, I would like to learn either Spanish or Italian.
Maybe I find time next fall ...
4. I love yoga - it makes me feel fitter, younger and reconnect with my body again

5. I had planned to study law. Did something different instead. Kind of wish I had done law.

6. I have always wanted curly hair, but at my age I think I have to realise that it won't happen naturally. According to a friend of mine who is a hair dresser, your hair changes every 7 years... not sure what the changes are, but much to my delight Our Boy's hair has changed this last year and gone from dead straight to very wavy and rather curly...
Mine on the other hand has never changed except starting to go very grey and therefore receives regular color treatments...

7. My new luxury treat (or weakness) is watching films in bed.
I have never had a TV in my bedroom, but at times nothing beats a good movie. I got a small tv with a dvd player for Christmas and I just loooove watching a good movie in bed and reaching out for the remote to turn it off before I fall asleep without having to get out of bed. It is not hooked up to the antenna so I can't watch TV, but I finally find time to watch DVDs.
This way a film can last me several days!
Just love it!


  1. Congratulations on the award Mette! You would have been a great lawyer, but notwithstanding have accomplished most of your life's goals, eh? We've got a partial snow day here today ... not sure about a scheduled doctor's appointment about an hour away ... maybe I'll just go back to bed! ;o)

  2. Hei!! Så snill du er som vil gi meg en linjal!! Men jeg vet hvor jeg får tak i den på nett, så du må beholde den selv, og dessuten ville det være dumt om den knakk!! Det er billigere å bestille på nett enn å kjøpe her i Norge, men du vet, noen ganger skal man ha det med en gang!! Hilsen Annekari

  3. Gratulerer med utmerkelse! Artig å få vite lite mer om deg.

