It is really hard to realise that 2011 is over.
Sounds rather like repeating a cliche to say "where did the time go", but honestly - where DID it go?
To sum it up in few words - 2011 was good, bad, happy and sad.
Here is a glimpse of some of the things we got up to in 2011:
I had almost forgotten it is a year since we did up Our Boy's room in January! This is a BEFORE picture... :-) A glimpse of the more finished product can be found here.

In February Our Boy and I went up to see the Professor in Edinburgh. I really like this town. Just never have enough time up there!
In March we celebrated Persian New Year.
Back in April there was 'that wedding' and we went with good friends to Bath.
A real treat!
In May I attended a photo class. It was great fun, but I haven't found time for another one. Perhaps that should go on the list of things I want to do in 2012?!
But life does go on and in the middle of July Our Boy went on a great walking trip along the West Highland Walkway in Scotland.
And July was the month that changed a lot in Norway. We are all affected in one way of another after the horrible events on 22 July in Oslo and Utoya.
And July was the month that changed a lot in Norway. We are all affected in one way of another after the horrible events on 22 July in Oslo and Utoya.
This year's family holiday in August went to Juan-les-Pins in the South of France. A lovely relaxing time!
My in-laws arrived in September and we spent two lovely months with them, taking them on the weekends to our favourite places.
In October Our Boy and I mixed business and pleasure in London. Should do that again soon...
Our Boy treaded the boards in the theatre play Boy Solider in November. Despite the rehearsals taking a lot of time, I think he enjoyed this experience!
December has been a month filled with cooking, baking and preparing for Christmas. A bit strange it is almost over, I do enjoy it so.
But next year we will do it ALLLL again!
So, what may 2012 bring... ??
a lot of things are on the horizon and hopefully mainly positive and uplifting things.
Perhaps on the national scale the Olympics in London will be the most memorable and one that brings some glimpse of hope for the future for a country and world in recession?!
Perhaps on the national scale the Olympics in London will be the most memorable and one that brings some glimpse of hope for the future for a country and world in recession?!
Or is that asking too much...?
Happy, Prosperous, Energetic and Inspirational New Year!
A new year and new plans (I do love 'plans').
On my very personal and private list I would add
Try to exercise more (that is compulsory on such a list)
Find more quiet time
Read more
Explore more
Travel more
Spend more time with family and friends
Spend more time with family and friends
Laugh more ...
In any case - I wish you all a very Happy, Prosperous, Energetic and Inspirational New Year!