Friday 13 May 2011

No More Technologically Lazy...

I am completely convinced that the makers of Zits must have a camera in our house...

I am feeling rather good about having overcome my technological laziness...

What I mean is, that having a teenage boy who speaks 'tech-language' like it is his mother tongue I have the last few years left any technological/IT problems in our house to him (and his dad) ...
He is all too pleased to show off his 'superior' skills and knowledge to his mother and I have been happy to let him think he is...


However, this week I had to install a new TV in an apartment I administrate (as part of my paid job). That was a breeze, but the challenge was that there was no antenna connected to the flat nor cable tv. My solution was to buy a small stand alone antenna which sits behind the TV. I admit it was a little fiddly hooking it up and tuning it in, but I was adamant I would NOT call my son to come and help...

Lo and behold, I managed it all on my own!
I feel sooo proud of myself!


Well, I should perhaps also mention that Our Boy helped me install the same type of antenna a few days earlier on the TV in my bedroom...


  1. Hei!
    Du må ta en titt her... :O)

    Zits er en favoritt...har klippet ut flere, laminert de og hengt de opp på kjøleskapet...*ler*...

    God helg,
    klem Fredrikke

  2. Grattis med premie :-)

    Er livet bra og sommerfargene fine? Kul remse :-)

