Monday 17 May 2010

17 MAY!!!

The Constitution of Norway was signed on May 17 in 1814. The constitution declared Norway to be an independent nation.

Norwegians are very proud of the fact of the noteworthy aspect that the Constitution Day has a very non-military nature. All over Norway, children's parades with an abundance of flags form the central elements of the celebration. Each elementary school district arranges its own parade with marching bands between schools. The children in the parade also make a lot of noise shouting "Hurra!", singing patriotic and national songs, blowing whistles and shaking rattles.

In addition to carrying flags, people typically wear red, white and blue ribbons. It is also a long-standing tradition to wear traditional local outfits, called bunad. I made my own when I was 18 together with my mother (we had to attend a special course for it to be approved) and mine is from Ostfold (the picture is not of me!). 

The day is a BIG family event and people will get together to have LOTS of nice food, cakes, icecream and hot dogs...! mmm

I have to say I am a little nostagic today since I am not home to celebrate. Our Boy and I will go out for dinner tonight to have our own little celebration, but NEXT year - I will be there!!! In the meantime - GRATULERER MED DAGEN!



  1. Happy Constitution Day, Mette! I hope you have a great day! Sorry for not having kept in touch more recently, but I've had a bit of catching up to do since I threw my back out last week ... (It's better now!!)

  2. Gratulerer med dagen sånn helt på tampen!

    Her har det vært full fart fra morgen til kveld med pølse- og isspising - akkurat sånn det skal være på nasjonaldagen:-)

    Håper du har hatt en fin dag og:-)


  3. Hei, Tusen takk for kos kommentar hos meg -så bra -for da fant jeg deg også :)
    Har lagt meg som følger og gleder meg til å lese mer!

    Så kos med 17. mai-feiring :)

    Klem fra Tove (Martilie)

  4. Hei, Mette! Takk for hyggelig hilsen på bloggen min. Så fin blogg du har også!
    Morsomt at du deler bakgrunnen om vår nasjonaldag her på bloggen din. :o)

    Ha en glad dag!

