Friday 13 January 2012

Friday 13th... and Time

Can you believe it?
It is already Friday again and to top that Friday 13th (no, I am not superstitious so that doesn't matter)!
The week has just gone by in a swish! Not that I complain - bring on the weekend!
And I THINK I can feel that the days are becoming just a little bit longer - yeah!

Our Boy is in the middle of his mock GCSE exams and we have one more week of this. I think he has about 18 exams in total these two weeks. Here in England children take most of their GCSE exams at the end of year 11 (Our Boy already did maths last year). The real exam is not till May/June, but every school does a mock/trial exam either before or after Christmas to give the children (and parents) an idea what they can expect and also where they might need to focus the rest of this school year's revision time. The GCSE results are important for acceptance to 6-th form which is the last two years before they go on to University (again - where has THAT time gone - to me he was 5 'yesterday'). The exams at the end of those two years are called A-levels. Even though Our Boy is staying for 6-th form at the same school as he is currently attending and therefore the GCSE exam results don't really matter in this respect, they are looked at when you apply to University along with the A-levels.

Talk about loosing track of time:
I thought my hair was starting to look a bit long and it might be 6-7 weeks since my haircut so I'd better get an appointment.

Oh, how wrong was I?!
It is 4 MONTHS since my last haircut...
No wonder the hair is long!!!
Actually, I don't think my hair has been this long since I was 13...
And exactly what happened to that time?????


  1. Ja tiden flyr virkelig av gårde, merker det spesielt på barna som vokser ut av klær og sko.
    Ha en fin helg :-)

  2. Du har helt rett! Tiden flyr avgårde og jeg lurer snart på om dagene, ukene, månedene og årene er kortere enn de var før, at noen lurer oss....min eldste datter blir 29 år i sommer og Studenten 21. Det er bare helt feil og ubegripelig for meg....

    I alle fall, ha en fin weekend!

  3. Tiden går ikke, den kommer leste jeg et sted. Men du verden så fort den kommer!
    Ha en fin fredag den trettende. Min yngste sønn hadde sin første bursdag på fredag den trettende, så det er slett ikke noen ulykkesdag!

  4. Hehe - ja du tiden går fort, og det er vel på barn og voksende hår på hodet man ser det på....herlig ;)

    Skal faktisk over til England fredag som kommer, besøk familie, og gleder meg til det !

    Ha en fin ny uke - todelooooo

