Wednesday 9 June 2010

When Will I Learn...?

I finally got around to booking an appointment for a hair cut only to be told the first appointment available is in two weeks! Nothing drastic is needed, but it is high time to give it a trim!

TWO weeks is therefore a long time!

However, I KNOW there is normally a wait for an appointment, but I NEVER learn...! The hair is normally fine, until it SUDDENLY isn't and URGENTLY needs a cut!
Plan, Mette, plan!!!
There are of course plenty of other hair dressers in town.
Probably very good ones.
But I am a wimp when it comes to my hair.
Once I find a hair dresser I like - I am loyal.
Probably out of fear... remembering bad experiences in the past - I DON'T mess with a hair dresser that works!

Besides, my hairdresser, Alberto, is Italian.
He can talk the talk and uses all his Italian charm to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world with his compliments and the "magic" he performs on my strands. All while we discuss his up coming wedding...

I know he treats all his customers the same way.
But that hour in his hands I forget about them and just lap up his beguiling words and walk out feeling "a million Dollars".... ;-)


  1. I do exactly the same thing! I wait until I look like a badly thatched cottage and then phone the hairdressers only to find that Luigi has gone on holiday!
    How dare he...

    Mind you a good hairdresser is worth more than all the botox in the world so I'll always wait!

  2. Hi, hi, høres VELDIG kjent ut, Mette! Jeg er også av den typen som ikke går til frisøren før det helt nødvendig, og det er nummeret før jeg tar saksen i egne hender. To uker er leeenge å vente, men helt sikkert verdt det. Frisører av den typen du beskriver er sjelden vare. Heldig du som har funnet en slik. Jeg er fremdeles på leiting.

    Ha en fin dag!


  3. Hmmmm.. Oppdaget akkurat at jeg ikke fikk deg opp på bloglisten min, ei heller lå som følger, men dette er fikset nå.
    Hadde gått glipp av masser av innlegg, så jeg kost meg inne hos deg både lenge og vel nå!
    Masse spennende oppskrifter..

    Det med frisøren er velkjent.. Jeg drøyer inntil det over natta er krise og jeg føler at jeg bare ser en stor ettervekst.. Og da må det skje NÅÅÅÅ :)

    Ønsker deg en deilig torsdag!

    Klem fra Tove

