Friday, 21 January 2011

The Charming Culprit!

The sun has mercilessly been streaming in through the windows today making it obvious that they are in need of a good clean...
However, none need it more than the patio doors where The Cat has managed to make his 'mark' the last few rainy days...
You can hardly see through the windows for his muddy paw marks!
I guess I've got the work for the weekend sorted then...!

My olive tree behind The Cat also seems to need a little TLC.

I can see there are other places needing a good shine as well... Renovating is such a messy job!
But we kind of see the end of the project as the painting starts Monday and the floor arrives the same day... Hmmm... not sure how we will arrange for them all to work at the same time


While I am on my 'crusade' for the humble semolina I share a recipe for old fashioned semonlina pudding:

Boil 5 dl of milk (I use skimmed) with 1 dl of semolina till it thickens
Add then 
a pinch of salt,
1,5 tbsp of sugar (I use Splenda)
and 2 eggs

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 mins and serve either hot or cold with a dollop of jam.

A very quick, easy, and cheap dessert!

As I have been getting some questions regarding my silicon muffin tins I included them in the picture above.

They are so practical.


  1. Jeg har hjerteformer i silikon, men misunner deg litt de med hull i midten...
    Ønsker dere en fin helg og bare se bort fra støv og skitne vinduer. Helgen må nytes og det blir sikkert mer støv på mandag...

  2. Kjekt med nye oppskrifter - takk for tips, og lykke til videre med oppussingen :-)
    God helg!

  3. Hihi, skikkelig kult bilde av pusen da :o)
    Du får værr glad for at du har glassdør, for mine dører blei totalt oppskrapt då me hadde katt... :o(

    Gled emg te å sjå reultatet av oppussingen dåkkas :o)
    Skikkelig god helg te deg og dine!

  4. Mmmm som dette ser godt ut, jeg elsker semulepudding etc... Dette skal forsøkes, sikker på at snuppene også liker dette..

    Flott bilde!

    Ha en skjønn ny uke! :)

    Klem fra Tove

  5. Loving the picture of The Cat and his handiwork! He looks very proud, obviously it's art (feline style) and we just don't get it!!

