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Tea - my way with my favorite mug bought by The Professor in a charity shop ;-) |
Today has been spent cleaning after the builders.
Although they were very careful and even attempted to clean up before they left, there has still been this very fine layer of dust everywhere - particularly the hallway and staircase needed a good scrub down...
The room is coming along as the ceiling and some of the walls that needed it have been plastered and now needs drying off before the electrician and the decorator will be doing their magic next week. Week after that the floor and wardrobe goes in, and we should be done. Can't wait to get the house in order again!
I also popped out to get a couple of pots of paint samples which we will try out tomorrow before we finalise the choice of color.
At the end of the afternoon I was really looking forward to sitting down with a nice cup of tea... We are spoiled for choice with all the varieties of tea available, but I keep coming back to either of my two favorites either Earl Grey or Lady Grey.
I know what I like and I know how I like it.
My tea should be 'kam rang' as my Iranian family would say or 'without color' - in other words: weak.
I then like 1 tsp of Splenda and 5-6 drops of lemon. I then let it sit and cool down as I hate too hot drinks.
I tend to drink coffee only in the mornings and my favorite cup of coffee should be half a cup of not too strong coffee and half a cup of skimmed milk (cold!).
A1 tsp of Splenda should be added before the milk goes in so it dissolves properly.
But really - I don't think I am too fussy... :-)?
The biggest challenge with having builders in the house is that you are expected to offer tea/coffee and I never got the hang of making 'builder's tea'. They don't complain, but rarely come for seconds... I get the impression they would not recognise tea the way I drink it. Most Brits drink strong tea with a little milk and often sugar. It is a challenge getting it right! This time I used a tea called 1716 (I think) and they seemed to like it !
Or perhaps they were just being polite as I had left a tin of biscuits for them... ;-)
Mine snekkere og byggere får bare kruttsterk kaffe hos meg. ;) Meningen er selvfølgelig at de skal bli hyperaktive og jobbe dobbelt så fort.
ReplyDeleteMen jeg er enig med deg i at kaffe og te skal drikkes lunkent.
Ha en super søndag.
For en koselig kopp! Det med tetrakting er et helt eget fag, jeg mestrer den ikke. Det viktigste er jo at du hat funnet din måte og du er vel din hyppigste gjest. Deit i de snekkerne, de får ta med seg drikke på termos om de ikke er fornøyd. Ja, ha ha, kanskje det var en god strategi, server så fæl te at de til slutt takker nei. ☺ Ha en fin søndag.
ReplyDeleteTe er godt - året rundt. Synes feks at te smaker nydelig på en varm sommerdag på stranden. Jeg elsker indisk te, helst sterk og med melk og sukker. Middels sterk te med sitron og sukker er også godt, synes jeg. Har prøvd meg på all vers av te-sorter med ymse smak, men synes det smaker så mye parfyme av det.
ReplyDeleteGodt at det finnes så mange slag, så alle kan finne en de liker. :)
Ønsker deg en deilig søndag!
Anette Willemine