Saturday, 10 September 2011

Tried and Tested: Hummingbird Bakery Pumpkin Cupcakes

The weather has turned really autumnal and made me think of the next event on the calendar - Halloween. I KNOW it is more than a month left, but we have actually already seen Christmas decorations in the shops... 
THAT is just out of order, I think!

I have never used pumpkin in cakes before even if I have made lots of savoury dishes using pumpkin. The treat for this weekend is therefore Pumpkin Cupcakes which I found a recipe for in 'The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook' where I previously found a great recipe for vanilla cupcakes

I made these pumpkin cupcakes without frosting. 
Even if they are perhaps not as pretty to look at I sometimes find the frosting makes the cupcakes too sweet and might be at bit of overkill. 
But that is just my preference.

The pumpkin cupcakes turned out really moist, tasty and not too sweet.
Will probably make them again 
(especially since I still have half a tin of pumpkin purée left)!

Mix well to a sandy consistency:
120 gram plain flour
140 gram sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
a pinch of salt
40 gram butter (room temperature)

add first
120 ml milk
2 eggs
and at the end
200 grams tinned pumpkin purée

Spoon the mixture into the cupcake cases, two-thirds full and bake at 170 degrees for about 20 mins.
Leave to cool.

Spoon Cream cheese frosting on when the cupcakes are baked and cold. 
You can find a recipe for the frosting here

I got 14 (not too large) cupcakes out of this recipe


  1. Heia
    Takk for din tilbakemelding angående tapet, det er nok den jeg heller mot jeg også:-)
    Denne oppskriften så spennende ut, ble sulten jeg nå...
    Ha en riktig fin helg:-)
    Godklem fra meg

  2. De här ser helt underbara ut!
    Jag ska försöka mig på en pumpkin cupcake i höst =D

    Stor kram till dig Mette

  3. Så lurt! Det skal jeg prøve meg på til Halloween også.
    Tiden flyr og plutselig er vi i slutten av oktober!!
    GLEDER meg til Halloween jeg, syns det er en flott ny tradisjon her i Norge. (Både for meg og barna:-)
    Ha en herlig lørdagskveld!
    Klem fra størstepia

  4. Mmmm - disse så gode ut!
    Du er jo rene bakeren.. Flott at du tester ut og gir oss oppskriften :)

    God lørdagskveld!


  5. Dette ser fristendes og godt ut Mette!!
    Takk som deler:))
    Ha en finfin søndag!
    Klem fra meg

  6. Høres og ser veldig godt ut!:) Når det gjelder spørsmålet hos meg, så ja: jeg bruker gulvmaling på bordflaten (eller jeg har faktisk brukt det på hele bordet). Det gjør at malingen holder seg veldig fint og tåler mye!:) Klem fra Heidi

