Friday 9 September 2011

Nasty Business!

It was kindly pointed out to me yesterday that an error message appeared if you came to visit my blog.

I checked with several browsers, but it was only Google Crome that identified this problem.

I was very worried! 

It turns out I don't have any nasty malware or other 'bugs' (VERY grateful for that!), 
but another blog (fotoverden) on my blog list apparently has...

Somehow I was apparently associated with this nastiness, just because it was on my blog list... 
The rather scary part was that this was not a blog I recalled, even if I do read several very inspirational and good photo blogs. There is a chance it is a looong time since there was any activity on this blog and somehow it has been targeted.

So, a good part of my peaceful Friday evening has been spent 
figuring out how to get rid of it 
(with good help from Our Boy!), 
changing my passwords,
testing and testing again,
and should now not be associated with any 'disease' spreading blogs!

I hope!!!

Might be a hint for other bloggers to change their passwords every so often 
and be on the alert...!

Stay safe!


  1. Øh, endre passord? Må man det også, ja. ☺

    Høres ikke gøy ut det der.

  2. Virus er ikke kjekt. I fjor besøkte jeg en canadisk blogg jeg var følger av og da jeg åpnet innlegget ble det mye blinking og info om at pc'n nå var infisert av trojansk virus. Pc'n måtte på verksted for å bli renset. Utrolig ekkel opplevelse.


    Jeg vet at jeg burde ta backup av bloggen, men aner ikke hvordan, ikke veldig god på disse finurlighetene ;)

    Ha en super helg og kos dere masse!

    Klem fra Tove

