Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Our Boy and I spent a lovely summers evening last night with our neighbours in the shared garden. 

Our town house sits in the former garden of an old estate (which you can see a bit of the corner of on the picture). In this former apple orchard there are now 10 townhouses where we live! We all have a mini garden each and then share a larger garden which is maintained by a gardener.  In total we are 19 units as the old house has been split in to various sized apartments. 

It is a very international crowd in our little cul-de-sac which is very symbolic of the rest of our town. Amongst these 19 units we have people from Norway (of course), Iran, Italy, The Netherlands, France, Poland, Australia, Germany, Hungary and the UK (of course!).

Last night the Italian/Dutch family encouraged us all to come out for a potluck so we all just brought some food and drink and spent a very pleasant evening in each other's company.

It was great to talk and laugh with the neighbours about other things than boring accounts and maintenance work
Spontaneous gatherings are often the best!



  1. Hørtes veldig koselig ut! LIkte oppskriften din på tørkede tomater også, bare så synd vi ikke kan dyrke dem sjøl. Blir liksom ikke det samme med kjøpetomater, tror jeg.

  2. Forresten.. hvordan blogger du fra iPhonen din? Bruker du en app?

  3. Hei Catje,

    Ja, jeg ble tipset av Fru Tunheim om en app som heter BlogPress. Har ikke brukt den sa mye, men den funker helt ok. Kanskje noe a bruke til sommerferien om man ikke har en pc med seg?

  4. Så interessant det må være å bo i et så internasjonalt miljø og spesielt når en kan møtes fra tid til annen i helt uformelle omgivelser med bare hygge og prat.

