Monday, 4 July 2011

Tried and Tested: "Sun" Dried Tomatoes

It is my former neighbour's birthday and what do you give somebody who has everything??? 
Edible gifts are always a good choice, I think.

Well, these tomatoes are not sun dried, but rather oven dried. 
It is amazing how the flavour intensifies. 
Makes you think of more southern shores!
As they are made from fresh and with no preservatives, they should be eaten within a week. 
Not a problem in our house!

Cut tomatoes in two or three, depending on the thickness. 
Spread them on an oven tray 
and drizzle over some good salt (I like flaky Maldon salt), 
olive oil
 and I also used dried oregano.

Pop it all in the oven on 130 degrees for about 3 hours. 

Cool and add them to clean jars. Add olive oil till it covers the tomatoes. 
That oil will be amazing on salads once the tomatoes are gone!


  1. fantastic! I don´t know why, but I just never figured they were makeble:) thank you for sharing! r

  2. Hei!! Takk for hyggelig kommentar!!:-) Jeg skal prøve å lage sånne tomater,for det er kjempegodt!! AnneK:-)

  3. Kjempegodt med slike tomater og enig med deg at det er en fin liten gave....

  4. Hei Mette! Dette hørtes veldig godt ut, jeg skal jammen prøve det selv! Fortsatt god sommer til deg, klem fra Jorunn

